5 Benefits of ABA Therapy and Early Intervention for Children With Autism

ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy is an evidence-based treatment for individuals diagnosed with autism and/or related disorders. ABA therapy and its principles are derived from years of scientific research. Since 1999, the Center for Disease Control has endorsed ABA and since then the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid along with the National Institute of Mental Health have also listed ABA as the Standard of Care of individuals with Autism.

ABA therapy is based on the principles of learning, which when implemented at an individualized level can lead to a decrease in problem behaviors and increase appropriate behaviors, such as communication and daily living skills. Here are five benefits of ABA therapy and early intervention for children with autism:


Improves Communication Skills

ABA therapy helps children with autism to communicate better. Children with autism may struggle with language development and have difficulty in expressing their needs and emotions. ABA therapy can help to improve communication skills by teaching children how to use verbal and nonverbal language and how to understand and respond to social cues.


Enhances Social Skills

Children with autism often have difficulty with social interactions and making friends. ABA therapy can help improve social skills by teaching children how to engage in appropriate social behaviors and how to interpret social cues from others. This can lead to more successful social interactions and help children develop meaningful relationships.


Increases Independence

ABA therapy can help children with autism become more independent. By teaching them basic life skills such as dressing, feeding, and toileting, children can become more self-sufficient and less reliant on caregivers. This can lead to increased confidence and a greater sense of autonomy.


Reduces Problem Behaviors

Children with autism often exhibit problem behaviors such as aggression, self-injury, and tantrums. ABA therapy can help reduce these behaviors by identifying the triggers and teaching children appropriate replacement behaviors. This can improve the child’s overall quality of life and reduce stress for both the child and their caregivers.


Promotes Long-Term Success

Early intervention is key to successful outcomes for children with autism. Starting ABA therapy early can help children acquire necessary skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. With appropriate interventions, children with autism can achieve academic success, develop strong social relationships, and lead fulfilling lives.

Above are just a few of many benefits of ABA therapy and early intervention. ABA therapy’s scientifically validated and evidence-based approach truly aids in  supporting individuals with autism and related disorders. Loving and supportive ABA therapists work hard to develop and implement highly individualized support plans for their precious patients. It’s never too early to start!  


About the Authors

Apara Autism Centers is a leading provider of ABA therapy in Texas to children ages 18 months and up. We understand the difficulty of dealing with uncertainty and are prepared to assist you with our collaborative developmental therapy support. If you’re looking for ABA therapy near you, we have centers in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and surrounding areas. Apara Autism Centers employs a team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) that can assist you with resources to help comfort your child during stressful times. We include parent training as collaborative support for the whole family. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to call (844) 272-7223 or contact us at info@aparaautism.com with your questions or to enroll. We accept most insurance plans and offer full and part time programs as well as in-home therapy options with no waitlist.